Category : To inform
How was the year 2024 for Özkan ÖZEL Real Estate?
These days, as we are getting ready to start 2025, I reviewed my company's 2024 process.
A real estate agent who has sufficient respect and...
During the day, I carried out active promotional activities in the region for a valuable store that I was trying to sell in the Avcılar...
Can a place with usufruct rights be sold?
I have a usufruct right to a semi-detached apartment in a valuable site in Antalya that I am trying to sell.
Expert Real Estate Agent Firstly Tries to Provide...
With the guidance of an acquaintance, I am working as the sole authority to rent one of the most valuable residence flats in Mersin....
The trend in real estate investment has reversed
The balance is gradually reversing in real estate purchases by non-residents in Turkey and by Turks in other countries. While the...
My Real Estate Activities Are Progressing Strongly...
As of September 2024, I will continue my real estate activities with my own company.
Turks headed home abroad, 40.5 billion TL in eight...
Remittances transferred abroad for real estate purchases reached 1 billion 377 million dollars as of the first eight months of the...
Villa Sale was Realized in Bahçelievler.
We completed the sale of the villa in the Bahçelievler region, after a long time, within a week, for which we received the deposit...
I will continue my real estate activities as Özkan...
I have been continuing my real estate career, which I started in Kartal in January 2019, in the Beşiktaş region since February 2020....
2024 First Half Istanbul Office and Residential Real...
2024 First Half Istanbul Office and Residential Real Estate Market Outlook
As the Price of Real Estate Increases, I Feel Better.
Recently, I carried out the valuation of two large-scale workplaces in Gayrettepe, a plaza office in Maslak region, a villa in Bahçelievler...
What should be the content of an attractive new construction...
Beşiktaş is one of the most valuable and purchasing power regions of Istanbul.
The possibility of new taxes in the housing sector...
Despite the rapidly increasing demand for housing in recent years, the housing market is experiencing one of its most stagnant periods...
New peak in foreign real estate purchases by Turks
Turks' real estate purchases abroad reached 597 million dollars in the first three months of 2024, an increase of 62 percent compared...
Ozkan OZEL Current Feedbacks About Real Estate
The buyers of the shop in Beşiktaş Dikilitaş, which we sold last week, lived in the Gayrettepe area and stated that they knew me.
I attach great importance to integrity and focus in...
Real estate is a commercial activity and the ultimate goal in all commercial activities is to make money.